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MD-RED is a mobile forensic software that specializes in data analysis. It supports the decryption, recovery, advanced filtering, visualization, and reporting of mobile device data images obtained from MD-NEXT or other extraction tools. With support for over 900 popular mobile apps on iOS and Android, MD-RED enables the examination of encrypted and encoded app data, various data formats, and multimedia files. It offers visualized analysis features, advanced multimedia viewing options, and supports multiple mobile operating systems, filesystems, and apps. MD-RED is a comprehensive solution for forensic examiners, investigators, and auditors seeking to uncover digital artifacts and generate detailed reports for their investigations.

MD-RED is a mobile forensic software designed for data analysis. It supports the decryption, recovery, advanced filtering, visualization, and reporting of mobile device data images extracted with MD-NEXT or other extraction tools. This software is specifically developed to assist forensics examiners, investigators, and corporate auditors in efficiently identifying digital artifacts.

The key highlights of MD-RED include its support for over 900 popular mobile apps on both iOS and Android platforms, decryption and decoding of encrypted and encoded app data, various data viewers for examining different data formats such as Hex, filesystem, SQLite, Plist, and multimedia files. It also provides a visualized analysis view with features like timelines, maps, chat screens, and galleries.

The software is optimized for multi-core CPUs, ensuring enhanced analysis performance. It includes a Python IDE for users to create their own analysis scripts, and it allows for multiple program executions for each case. MD-RED supports the latest file system formats and offers comprehensive support for mobile operating systems, filesystems, and apps.

Key features of MD-RED include support for a wide range of mobile OS, filesystems, and apps, decryption of encrypted app data from popular messaging apps, various data viewers for different types of data, advanced multimedia view with image, audio, and video playback capabilities, visualized analysis data such as social relations and timeline, decoding of screen lock information, advanced data filtering options, innovative performance enhancements utilizing multi-core CPUs and GPU acceleration, Python IDE for user-defined analysis scripts, and report auto-generation in customizable formats.

MD-RED is a powerful tool for analyzing mobile device data and generating forensic reports that are crucial for investigations related to crimes, accidents, and corporate audits. It continuously updates its analysis scripts to keep up with the latest mobile apps.

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